Friday 3 February 2012

Terrible at Keeping This Updated

So yes, indeed I am absolutely awful at keeping this thing updated for everyone. I will honestly try to do my best from now on to at least update every week.

So much has happened in this last month or so. First, we got to see the baby! At the time, it was barely the size of a lime, and its head was AS big as its body, an odd site to be sure. But I couldn't help but tear up. I mean, that is our BABY. The being that is growing inside of my wonderful wife. It was a crazy awesome sight to be sure. And it gave my wife the reassurance that she is indeed pregnant hahaha.

Now, our little baby is looking steadily like a human being. Its body is becoming more proportionate, and it's kicking around like crazy, but not to the point to where I can feel it. I am cruising through my Father-To-Be book, and learning a crazy amount about just what my wife is going through, and about how I can be of help/not be a burden to her. It's a book that I would highly recommend to ANY father going through a pregnancy.

One thing I read is that husbands sometimes have 'sympathy pains' and the such to help their spouse not feel alone. The thing is though, research has been done that symptoms such as cravings, nausea, pains, etc are not just mimicking things husbands do, but actual bodily feelings that they cannot control. I myself have been feeling this. I can't stop eating salad, with vegetables I would never ever eat raw, but suddenly they're delicious! That's just one example. I've been eating healthier than ever, and it all tastes good when it didn't a few months ago. I'm not going to complain, but it's just bizarre.

I've been loving this though. I'm learning all new things about my wife, and I am steadily learning to put full trust in the Lord despite my worldly "problems" that my mind tends to focus on. I understand and believe that God can and will provide. He has already blessed me beyond belief, beyond what I believe I deserve. But that's how God rolls. And who am I to question why He chooses to bless me. I'll take whatever I can receive, and praise Him continually, no matter if the blessings come or not.

I'll get better at this peeps. Thanks for everyone's support!

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