Friday, 17 August 2012

3 weeks

So I decided this morning that I would update this here blog every Friday, right on the week mark Layla was born, that way people can keep track on how old she is (slightly for my sake as well). And I'll keep it like this, unless something amazing or dire just has to be blogged about before then.

It's week 3. That's right. Three weeks. Lemme tell you: It has flown by. I cannot believe that our little girl is growing up so fast. No sooner do we wake up to her wonderful crying, moaning, or her delicious smelling blow-outs, then it's bedtime (usually 8:30 pm). Days seem so much shorter than they were before she came into our lives. I guess it's all the attention she needs, plus all the things to do around the house that daily needs doing.

Except for a few REALLY long nights, Layla has been one of the easiest-going babies I've known, though personally, I've only known......three? Maybe? Thankfully she's been this good. I know everyone prays for a laid back baby, and thank the Lord she is. It helps that she's just so dang darn cute. And she's growing like a weed. Holy goodness. Next time I turn around she's gonna be 1. Ok, I take that back, she can't be 1, not for like....another 5 years.

Amber is doing great too. She's almost back to pre-pregnancy weight. That makes her VERY happy. She bent forward to kiss Layla on the cheek this morning, I asked her "Doesn't it feel great to be able to bend again?" Amber just beamed a smile at me.

I love being a family. Not that Amber and I weren't a family before. There's just something about having a child that revolutionizes what it means to be a family. You have a human being that is completely and utterly relient on...well really just mom, but she needs me too I guess ;). And I don't think it's still quite hit me that she is going to be a part of my life forever. It's just too foreign an idea for me right now. It's exciting though. I love it, and would not trade that for anything.

Now for the not-so-happy-go-lucky stuff. I'll make it quick. Still unemployed. Had an interview with a temp agency for a job, but it doesn't look like it'll go thru. Hey, at least it's a start.

Still angry & frustrated with the previous employers. Working through that. Doing a week long devotional on Working Thru Anger that I found on my Bible App. Day 1 was good.

Psalm 37:8 was one of the verses to study, and it really stuck out to me:
Refrain from anger, and turn from wrath; Do not fret - it leads to evil.

That last part stung me. Because I have no income, I fret. A lot. But I haven't made the connection of fretting leading to evil. It does! When I fret, I remember why: I got fired. Then I focus on that, which makes me angry. Makes me want to get revenge. And that leads to evil. So I'm working on NOT fretting. Not easy.

I'm hoping this week long study will help me push through this anger. I have to let God take it, and I don't want Him to yet. So pray that I can let go. I have to.

I pray that God blesses every single one of you. Thank you for your support and love. It means a whole lot like.

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