Monday, 12 December 2011

It Begins

There are only a few moments in the short time I have been on this Earth that have completely flipped my life. Honestly I can only think of two before now. First, obviously, is accepting Christ as my Savior on August 18th, 1998. Next is July 10th, 2011. Yes, that's the day I was given the highest honor as the husband to the most amazing woman in the world, Amber Nicole (now)Floyd.

While those two moments in time change your life in multitudes of ways, nothing quite prepares you for the moment when your wife comes out of the bathroom saying, "baabbbbbbe" in that voice that tells you something's not quite right. As I got off the couch and headed back there with quite some speed, she was staring intently at a pink stick. Immediately, my brain started pumping 101mph. The only thing my brain was computing was "No way. No way!"

Well, yes way. After taking another test (and after taking one myself just in case it was a cheapo pregnancy test), it was undeniably clear that we were pregnant. I have never cried, laughed, cried, smiled, cried, and laughed so much in my life. The next hour was full of prayer, talking about the future, how we should tell both of our parents, and a million other things.

The implications of those two tests rocked the foundations of every single 'plan' that I had for the next 1-2 years of our lives. A majority of them have crumbled. Some survive, but changes are being applied in the repairs. And of course, MANY are newly constructed. These past three weeks have become the most stressful, exciting, happy, and determined weeks of my life. God has DAILY reminded me of my duties. He has DAILY reminded me that it's HIS plan that is in effect, not mine.

The Art of Becoming a Dad. Maybe I'll make it a book. It'd always have to be updated, but hey, I could do that. In 8 months I will have a child in my arms, a new life given to my wife and I by God. So here we go!

1 comment:

  1. Here you go, indeed. It is the biggest adventure you could possibly embark on. So glad we get to be along for the ride with you guys. Love to both you and Amber.
