Thursday, 18 October 2012

Decisions Part II

Remember that last post....way back at the end of September? Ya. I was supposed to give an opposing view to Mr. Anonymous, who, very kindly, gave an interesting POV. Basing my beliefs from my last post out of Ezekiel, I realized I wasn't specific enough. I base it from Ezekiel 38, which depicts a Israel surrounded by hostile nations bent on Israel's destruction (aka, their entire history).

I broke this chapter down for a friend a couple of weeks ago. And so I'd like to do the same now:

Ezekiel 38:1-6 lists the nations against Israel.

  The nations are as followed:
     Gog and Magog is Russia.
     Meshech and Tubal is Turkey.
     Persia is Iran.
     Cush is Sudan.
     Put is Lybia.
   Those are the main countries listed.

Ezekiel 38:7-9 is Modern Israel.

These verses clearly state a Modern Israel, most importantly from verse 8-"In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety"

Now obviously this takes place in the future, as Israel is anywhere but near peace and safety. But it's an Israel where its people were scattered throughout the nations, and now have united again. Israel had never been "scattered" before, only exiled to a single nation. Thus, this prophecy must relate to Modern Israel.

Ezekiel 38:10-23 is the attack on Israel by those afore mentioned nations, and also God's divine intervention.

Note that only God intervenes for Israel. No other nation is mentioned as being on Israel defense. Why wouldn't America? Relations are icy at best right now, but we are still Israel's only official ally. Right? So what's the deal? Interesting.

My point in this is to state a more specific part of Ezekiel, and drawing a modern picture of a prophecy told millennia ago. That should clear up the main misunderstanding. I'm not saying Israel in Ezekiel is America. I'm merely stating that America doesn't do anything to prevent Israel from being destroyed, based on this prophecy. I know that's a lot to go off of. But as I've studied other parts of the Bible, and have done some research, I find this more and more to be true. And that's concerning.

It's my personal belief that God will judge America to the point where we have no influence to the rest of the world. Not because we aren't a country of Christians anymore, rather because we are a nation that has cause more immoral acts of evil than any other nation in the history of the world. Not only that, but we are the leading activist for encouraging these immoral acts throughout the entire world. And that perversion will be answered by God. It's not something we as Americans want to think about. But it's a reality for me. So I must act accordingly, spread the word of what I believe, and hope that perhaps some will see what I see and that they will act.

Thank you Mr. Anonymous for keeping this debate civil and polite. It's a rare characteristic nowadays.

God bless all of you in every way possible