Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Lost in the Noise/Decisions

I realized yesterday that I haven't blogged in a while. And it was shortly after that I realized it had been almost a month since my last post. Apologies all around. One could say that being still unemployed gives you a lack of things to talk about. Redundancy tends to run rampant. So I simply had no motivation to blog.

Well, some things have changed.

I've the decent chance at a new job. It's a graphic design position, the company looks pretty cool, and I get to fully use both my graphic design, as well as my photography experience. My "second interview" yesterday was probably the most intense second interview I've ever had. I started by creating an advertisement piece for the company using their logos (that was interesting). After that, I was asked to do a photoshoot of their products using studio lighting. Considering I haven't used studio lighting in about three years, THAT was fun. Eventually I got the whole lighting thing down, took some great shots, edited them, and that was it. Took about two hours. I was just a little bit nervous as you can bet. But I think I have a solid chance at getting this job. I hope.

Layla turns 2 months old tomorrow! Holy. Cow. She has already changed soooooo much. She's learning to talk (baby talk, coos and awws and all sorts of cutesy stuff). She can hold her head up consistently, and is kinda sorta maybe starting to learn to crawl. Nothing prepares you for this. It's amazing. Ya, you may be around babies, you may have been there to watch your niece and nephew grow up. But, personally, it doesn't compare to watching your own child grow up. I love it. Layla has been such an immense blessing to Amber and I. To say that I look forward to seeing her grow UP is too....lacking. It excites me beyond a whole long list of other things.

Now this next little bit of what I'm going to say, I must warn you, will sound a little far fetched. So if you're not into a Christian's perspective on current events (not directly meaning politics, but it does tie in), biblical prophecy, or a man sounding a little off his rocker, you don't have to read it.

Of late, I have been reading several books, both non-fiction and fiction, about biblical prophecy and how it relates to present day. Immediately some of you will role your eyes. I'll admit, I did at first when my father-in-law started talking about it. But then he kept going into more and more details, backing it up with prophecy (mostly Ezekiel). THEN, I started reading these books about it all. Even going into with a bias against it, the amount of evidence I've seen is startling.

Essentially -and this point is the most crucial, especially for Americans- both Ezekiel and these books proclaim that America will not be a key player when it comes down to the "End Times." Whether that means we aren't strong enough to make a difference, or we aren't even a country at this point, I have no clue. But the message is, we won't matter.

I know that sounds ridiculous. How could we, America, not play a significant role? WE ARE AMERICA AFTER ALL. I have theories, but would rather not spill them out here.

But one thing is also certain. God has called us out of this country. And by us, I mean His Children. Because when the s%*! hits the fan, God is going to judge America. Our nation has become a cesspool of evil and rebellion from God, and when it comes time, He will judge her. So He calls His People out of this nation, lest we be judged along with the rest.

This is my point. When the time comes, my family is most important to me. I don't see leaving this country as abandoning it. Not when I have a message from God saying to leave. It doesn't all make sense. Sometimes even I think it's still crazy. I mean, leaving the country I've lived in my entire life. Leaving everything behind. How insane is that? Leaving AMERICA? Who would do that? But given the opportunity to protect my family, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Knock it off as lunacy. Say I'm crazy. I'll take my chances. Especially when it means saving my family.

Here's the two main books I've been reading if you want to look it up:

Non Fiction:

The End of America: The Role of Islam in the End Times and Biblical Warnings of Flee America by John Price

Epicenter: Why the Current Rumblings in the Middle East Will Change the Future by Joel Rosenberg

If you want to know more, just ask me, and I'll do my best to answer them in its entirety. May God continue to bless every one of you.