Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Little Layla Grace

So yesterday we were amazingly blessed to see our Layla Grace in 3d. Honestly, I had no idea what to expect. I've seen pictures of other baby's 3d pictures, but this was completely different. Seeing your child as close to real as you can get without taking her out of mommy's stomach was unbelievable. We saw her yawn, get the hiccups, open her eyes, practicing her breathing, and we definitely know she's a girl.

Yesterday was one of those reality check moments for me. They've been happening with more and more frequency lately. Moments where it suddenly hits you: Holy dang, we are going to have a baby. I SAW my child yesterday. It's completely and totally real. And in two months, that child will be here, in our home, a part of our family.

It's a scary thought. I don't really know of ANYONE who is completely ready for a baby. I'm certainly not. But it's ok. I've got Amber :). And I've got both sides of the family who, thank the Lord, are absolutely more than ready to help us out in any way possible. It's such an incredible blessing because I know people who don't have that. They're a single parent, or a couple who have kids, and they're on their own. They don't have that comfort and support of family members, either because they don't have any, or they live too far away, or simply because their family sucks.

I know I mention this in about every post, but God has truly blessed us. I cannot keep count of the ways. And it's not because we go to church every Sunday, or know the right people. It's because God has chosen, of His own free will, to bless us. It's unconditional. God doesn't expect anything in return. How insane is that? It's awesome. And more the reason to praise and thank Him every day for the blessings.

Life is about to get turned upside down. I know there's no way to prepare for it. It was just like marriage. No amount of books, or people's stories or advice can prepare you for what's ahead. You just have to experience it. As much as it freaks me out, I'm so ready for it.

God is Good, All the Time. All the Time, God is Good.

Thank Him today for the blessings. 

Sunday, 27 May 2012

The Art of Faith

For some reason today John 20:29 popped into my head during church. "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." It's the most simple definition of faith. Believing in something that you cannot see.

What would it have been like to see Jesus? I mean, the literal Son of God, a being fully man and yet completely and fully God? And to not only see him, but to live with him as his closest disciples during his time of ministry? How amazing would that have been?

It just really hit me today the idea behind faith. We base our theology and faith off of those closest to the Son of God. We have Faith that what they saw and wrote down accurately represents God and Jesus. I mean, of course we believe because it's the Word of God, but even THAT belief is taken on faith.

Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe. Many of us have not seen Jesus. Or God. Yet we still wholly believe he is who he says he is. Our faith is GREATER than the disciples. The very disciples who lived with Christ. Because we didn't live with Jesus. We haven't seen him personally heal the blind, or give a sermon full of parallels and symbolism. And yet we STILL believe.

So for every Christian who reads this, you are more blessed than the disciples. God rewards your faith in the things unseen. And for those who haven't accepted Christ, maybe you will one day, and see the rewards of faith in a completely sovereign God

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Job, Wifey, God (not in order of importance)

It's been awhile, eh?

A lot has happened in a month (well more like 6 weeks). Wow. I've been at my job for about 5 weeks. And have learned a ton. No amount of college deadlines matches the speed at which I blow thru designs. The pace of this job is unlike anything I thought to be possible. You always imagine having fairly strict deadlines, but this...this is insane. But it's amazing for me. I love the job part. Bosses are a different story. I won't go into it, but it's a wee bit crazy.

My wifey is a growing. She's 29 weeks along. TWENTY. NINE. That's almost 30 ;) It is absolutely ridiculous that in a couple of months we will be in the hospital having a BABY. I must say I'm absolutely smitten with little Layla. She has a ton of personality (hard to believe for something that hasn't come out of a womb yet). Apparently Amber scared Layla upon dropping a can on the ground, which caused Layla to "jump."

Pregnancy has had its up and downs, but for the most part, it has been a fairly easy ride (from the husband's perspective, mind you). Amber has had nothing majorly wrong happen, and she keeps herself very healthy. I have enjoyed every bit of it, but I think Amber is definitely ready to be done. I'm just ready to see this cute, adorable little baby Layla. We've gone to childbirthing classes, and learned waayyyyyyy too much stuff I didn't need to. It was good, I learned some extremely helpful things, just there was some stuff no man should need/want to know about.

We had our baby shower Sunday. And were "showered" with gifts. See what I did there??? lol. Really though, I am so thankful for everyone who has given support for our first child. We won't go without anything I believe, and we have so many people to go to if anything should happen. We feel unbelievably blessed. So thank you everyone. Truly.

Thru all of this God has really shown Himself. He has poured blessings on us, and I do my best to give praise to Him. It's honestly difficult sometimes. I mean, after all, I can take the credit for a lot of it right? I'm the one in the physical realm, doing this stuff. But it's truly because of God that ALL of this has happened. Some people have a hard time attributing anything on Earth being a direct result of God's blessing, and yes, sometimes that person is me. Yet I put my faith in the FACT that God is leading my life, and He knows best, and always will. He can, will, and does, take care of me and my family.

Thanks to everyone who has supported us. It means a lot. And soon we will have a new person to add to the family!

God Bless!